Our pride
Ons trots

J Rossouw Principal
At GWP our primary task is to provide quality education to all our learners. At the same time, we create a stable and nurturing environment in which to achieve all of our goals. Big and small. We offer a wide range of extra-mural activities to suit and accommodate the different needs of our learners.
Our current theme is “BE KIND.”
Ons glo in effektiewe kommunikasie en stel ons toeganklik op effektiewe kommunikasie met al ons rolspelers en moedig die moderne ouer aan om aktief betrokke te raak by ons skool en sy aktiwiteite. Ons skool se tema is tans “WEES VRIENDELIK.” By GWP fokus ons op waardes en plaas die laasgenoemde sterk op die voorgrond met, en tydens, ons holistiese opvoedingstaak.
Our aim is to not only make the difference, but to be the difference in the education process of each individual. Goodwood Park, our pride. Ons trots!